Future of LUG (Party?)

Dustin Decker dustind at moon-lite.no-ip.com
Tue Sep 23 19:52:20 CDT 2003

On Tue, 23 Sep 2003, DCT Jared wrote:

> >It was a attempt to get some of the people to not leave/disembark,
> >however, majordomo apparently just didnt want to post it.  weird.
> Pretty funny message to get outta the blue.
> Did someone say party?

This is a thought... I've kinda been itching to throw a bit of a party 
myself, and always need a good excuse to clean up around my apartment to 

So, with all of this in mind, I'm inclined to throw a party and invite 
folks from kclug, as well as kulua.  Given my heavy work load, and busy 
school schedule, I expect a Saturday evening is the most likely fit for 
something like this.  Short notice and all, this coming Saturday (the 27th 
in case Majordomo is _slow_ <grin>) is out...  so I consider October 4th 
to be best.  (It would have to be a 5:00pm 'til the cows come home event.)

Shout out and give me thoughts on this - everyone feel free to jump in at 
any time.  For a point of reference, I'm pretty much at I-35 and 75th 
Street...  anyone who's been to a kulua social I've hosted can tell you 
I'm a gracious host, and do what I can to ensure fun is had by all.

Lemme know what you think.
Dustin Decker

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