Hiring in K.C.

Dustin Decker dustind at moon-lite.no-ip.com
Thu Oct 16 19:41:17 CDT 2003

On Thu, 16 Oct 2003, Jonathan Hutchins wrote:

> On Thursday 16 October 2003 4:40 pm, Zscoundrel wrote:
> > Kansas is much easier to deal with than Missouri.  Kansas has much less
> > draconian policies and they pay a lot better because they have not
> > mismanaged the funds.
> I don't know if the current situation is that much different from what it was 
> eight years ago, but Missouri would have had to make drastic changes to meet 
> the "no benifits allowed" policies in Kansas.  I wouldn't call zero benefits 
> "paying a lot better".  Like I said, you only get benefits if your employer 
> reports the lay-off as a result of economic conditions, and they have all the 
> incentive in the world to report something else.

And you have all the incentive in the world to call bullshit as well.  If 
you're laid off, you're laid off.  No amount of lying on the part of the 
employer is going to change that.  If you've paid in (actually, your 
employer on your behalf) then you're entitled.

If you're being denied benefits for some reason, you need to revisit these 
folks and get it taken care of.  The money is there, and presumably you 
have earned it.


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