HTPC hardware

kurt at kurt at
Wed Nov 26 15:49:35 CST 2003

----- Original Message -----
From: "brad" <brad at>
To: <kclug at>
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2003 8:29 AM
Subject: Re: HTPC hardware

> On Tue, 2003-11-25 at 19:46, kurt at wrote:
> > Some boards (most that ive seen) that have onboard SATA, support SATA
> > With the WD 10k Raptors hovering just over $100, two of them would give
> > far better performance than 7200k ide's. Though you will lose a fair
> > of disk space. Just depends what you want more, space or performance. My
> > comp that im building is going to be sata raid 0, just picking up a
piece at
> > a time. Should have it up and going by the first of the year unless MGE
> > decides to put me out of my house...
> >
> So if I were to run raid 0, why would I lose a lot of disk space?  Does
> sata take up more space than normal raid 0?
I only say that because the Western Digital Raptors, are only 37gb in size.
If you are comparing to 80gb drives, to 37's, well, thats obvious. Though
they are by far the fastest ones out right now. I was just saying, two 40gb
ide drives vs two 37gb sata raptors, theres no contest. :)   Western Digital
is supposedly going to release a new sata drive this fall (Nov/Dec), that is
around 80gb in size, and the same performance as the 37gb Raptor. I just
havent seen it yet. Im not an expert on raid, but raid 0 is the fastest,
splitting data across two drives (no mirroring or duplexing), raid 1 is
mirroring (basically a full copy on another disk), raid 5 (mirroriing with
parity?) The main increase would come from the SATA interface, being that it
is faster than IDE, and currently also faster in seek times to the 15k SCSI
drives. Not to mention a WHOLE lot cheaper. Someone correct me if im wrong.


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