laptop question

Brian Kelsay bkelsay at
Sun Nov 16 04:03:07 CST 2003

Richard Franklin wrote:

> Somewhere there is a village missing an idiot.
>(Is that village in Texas?)
Possibly.  They are everywhere.  If you refer to our current president, 
then no.  I don't talk politics here, but I sense a disturbance in the 
force from you.   Just because someone is not an excellent speaker does 
not mean he is not intelligent.  I sometimes stutter when the thoughts 
flow too quickly.  The esteemed, yet oft misunderstood, Richard Stallman 
has a type of autism and he folk dances.  Shall we hold that against 
him?  We shall not speak of this again on this list.  Possibly in 
private, unless yelling starts, then I shall withdraw as no sense will 
be made.

>      THANKS to all for the feedback! One thing I am liking about Linux
>flavors, is that if one does not work in a particular situation, then
>another one might. I have a long way to go before I know how to tweak with
>confidence, but I would rather have as much as possible work from the start
>... I don't derive great pleasure from "re-inventing the wheel" because some
>distro left out some basic drivers that another one has politely included in
>their bundle. Then again, the "buggy", or abreviated distro might actually
>inspire me to actually learn a thing or two. All in good time ...
Grasshopper, pick a distro that you feel comfortable with and we shall 
find you a master with whom you may make your laptop sing.


P.S.  Sorry, I was waxing a little poetic there, but it is probably because I just watched 
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.

Somewhere there is a village missing an idiot.

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