Leo J Mauler
webgiant at
Fri Nov 7 03:55:12 CST 2003
On Thu, 06 Nov 2003 19:26:03 -0600 Brian Kelsay <bkelsay at>
> Jonathan Hutchins wrote:
> >On Thursday 06 November 2003 05:15 am, Leo J Mauler wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >> If you want to pull the AGP cards, I have at least
> >> 10 ATi Radeon 7500 AGP cards I'm looking to
> >> get rid of. 32MB cards.
> >
> > I'm curious about why you'd need to upgrade so
> > many basic, current cards, what you upgraded
> > them to and what the users are running that they
> > needed more power.
> High-end graphics design? CAD? The desire to
> go dual-head? Several reasons I can think of.
Well, without violating any NDAs I can say that the upgrades
were from those cards to *quadruple-head* cards.
Its been a few months, I don't remember the manufacturer
of the replacement four-head cards. But the application
required four monitors per computer. Buying complete
desktop systems was the cheapest way for them to get a
lot of computers, and all of them were the same price with
or without the video card. So they bought off the rack
and upgraded them when the package came in the mail.
This time around they had a massive upgrade going on and
didn't have the people to finish the job in time (hence the
NDA I signed). So I came in and did all their video card
upgrades while their people did the "other stuff".
Wish I'd taken a picture of the cable used to take one
plug and turn it into four VGA connectors.
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