Debian questions

cdowns cdowns at
Sat May 10 21:39:09 CDT 2003

The only time you will see a broken dependency ( very rare ) issue in 
Debian is when the package maintainer pulls for either vulnerable or 
patch modification.

r00th4t sucks nuts as far as im concerned. Installing just makes me 
think "oh shit windows is being reborn." basically bloat ware and Gnome 
and KDE suck too.

If the OS has /etc/init.d/rc.d I stay clear.

my rooten 2 cents, can you tell i just came from the east coast :)


Jonathan Hutchins wrote:

>Quoting cdowns <cdowns at>:
>>Debian will do all the things you need 
>>without a problem, probably even easier :) there are no depency problems 
>>like the RedHat World.
>Oh come on.  I've had just as much trouble installing tarballs on systems as I 
>have RPM's, I can't believe that Debian apps magically don't have library 
>dependencies.  Apt-get may be great at resolving them, but if you get a poorly 
>packaged program, or something for a different version or release, or if your 
>system falls behind on updates and you try to install something current, you're 
>going to have the same problem as RedHat or Mandrake.
>Because RedHat went so long without any automatic dependency resolution, it got 
>a bad rap, but the GUI package managers (bad as they are) have been working on 
>it at least as long as apt-get.  Mandrake's urpmi, when properly configured, 
>resolves, finds, and installs dependencies beautifully, and as long as you stay 
>strictly within the RedHat universe (a good idea if it's a production system), 
>up2date will handle everything for you too.
>That said, Debian's a great distro, one of the Great Old Ones like Slackware 
>and SuSE. 
>This mail sent through tarcanfel's horde/imp system

      Network Security Engineer
       Christopher M Downs,RHCE
     cdowns at
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