More on "Censorship"...

Jason Clinton jasonclinton at
Sat Mar 15 00:00:00 CST 2003

In defense of Jeremy's post:

The majority of radio stations in America are owned by these two
corporations in question. So, in this case, because our government
failed to prevent a media monopoly from being created in radio
broadcasting, our government has effectively "allowed" a small group of
invididuals to hold control over the reigns of radio media.

What the Dixie Chic said was with in her rights. What the two mega media
conglomerates did was within their rights. The problem lies in that Big
Radio is more powerful that little Dixie Chic. When an entity with lots
of power crushes one with a little because they don't agree, it's called
oppression. When it's institutionalized: It's censorship. Censorship is
NOT limited to government.

IMHO, the idea of "corportate right to free speech" is just
ass-back-wards. There are two forces at work in economics: the employers
and the laborers. Our constitution grants individuals (laborers) certain
human rights to citizens of this country. It DOES NOT grant these rights
to organizations (corporations) /at the expense of individuals/. To see
how this thinking can go horribly wrong, see these two links:

What happened isn't illegal. It IS something that concerned citizens
SHOULD do something about and for that, I applaud Jeremy's efforts.

Jason Clinton
I don't believe in witty sigs.

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