
Leonard, Phil Phil.Leonard at
Tue Mar 11 16:01:29 CST 2003

Yes they were.  I still have my APL360 manual.  A cherished and highly sought after book in its 
day.  As I remember the Selectric terminals were all 134.5 baud because that was the speed that the 
Selectric could type.  You would happened to have been on the Shawnee Mission School Districts APL 
system would you?  We also got direct connections in 1973 or so.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Hutchins [mailto:hutchins at]
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 10:56 AM
To: Leonard, Phil
Cc: kclug at
Subject: RE: Nostalgia

Quoting "Leonard, Phil" <Phil.Leonard at>:

> The first computer that I used would have been an IBM S/360 via a 2741
> printing terminal (a Selectric typewriter and a 134.5baud modem) using the
> APL language.  This would have been 1971.  

Weren't those great old systems?  I don't really remember the baud rate of our 
connection, although it was an acoustic coupler at first - you put the phone 
handset in a couple of rubber cups after dialing the number.  We upgraded to a 
direct connection that year, which would have been about '73.

APL was an incredible language.  Our goal was always to see who could get the 
program down to the fewest lines of code (which often meant one line).


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