Moonlighting? Contractors? Send your resume

Bradley Miller bradmiller at
Sat Jun 21 16:13:59 CDT 2003

Ok -- here's the deal.  I'm a programmer, but my server problems are 
getting above my head.  I just spent two days this week wrestling with 
Qmail problems (never trust a Debian package system I suppose . . . . )  My 
FTP is still broken . . . all I want is my server to work and my operations 
to go as smoothly as possible.  Right now I'm paying for 5 servers when I 
should only be on 2.   I don't have the time to get everything done, but I 
keep getting new clients all the time.  I need some people to do various 
tasks to help me out.  If things take off and fly, yes, even the 
possibility of a full time position might be available, but that's a LONG 
way down the road.  I've got a ton of great ideas, but I can't program them 
if I'm constantly battling little issues that take time . . . like email 
snafu's or things like that.    I haven't figured out the pay rate yet, but 
I'll make it worth your time.

Send resumes and other info to bradmiller at with the subject 
of JOB SEEKER.  Anything else won't be caught by my filter program.   I'm 
mostly a Linux shop, so the standard MySQL/PHP/Apache/etc... is what I use, 
but I also do NT/IIS/ColdFusion.  I have a lot of high profile accounts and 
a lot of available advertising to grow the business (partnered with a 
newspaper and several other deals working . . . ).

Bradley Miller, Owner/Programmer/Designer
AccessZone Design -
Blue Springs, Missouri
Phone: 816-228-3814             Fax: 775-254-6162
Toll-free: 888-872-4420 ICQ: 48555780  

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