Apache virtual host config

Scott Smith scott at roadtoad.net
Sat Jun 21 14:15:11 CDT 2003

Is your PHP stuff set up alright? What if you try to request 
<http://www.jocojedi.org/index.html> ?

If that doesn't make a difference, try switching the two around and see 
if you get a 403 on www.beachey.org instead.

Oh, and why are your files owned by apache:apache? I hope httpd isn't 
running as that user...


Kendric Beachey wrote:

>Any apache wizards out there?
>I'm trying to get this machine to serve web pages for two URLs even though the 
>two domain names resolve to the same IP address.  This should be possible 
>using apache 1.3.27, using this in the config file:
>################# Named VirtualHosts
>NameVirtualHost *
><VirtualHost *>
>ServerName www.beachey.org
>ServerAlias beachey.org *.beachey.org
>DocumentRoot /home/httpd/htdocs
><VirtualHost *>
>ServerName www.jocojedi.org
>ServerAlias jocojedi.org *.jocojedi.org
>DocumentRoot /home/httpd/htdocs.jocojedi
>Shouldn't it?
>At the moment www.beachey.org is working fine (as it was when it was the only 
>game in town) but www.jocojedi.org just gives a 403 Forbidden for anything 
>you request.
>The contents of /home/httpd/htdocs.jocojedi are:
>kendric httpd # ls -la htdocs.jocojedi/
>total 16
>drwxr-xr-x    2 apache   apache       4096 Jun 21 08:09 .
>drwxr-xr-x    9 root     root         4096 Jun 20 07:02 ..
>-rw-r--r--    1 apache   apache        143 Jun 20 07:03 index.html
>-rw-r--r--    1 apache   apache        143 Jun 21 08:09 index.php
>kendric httpd #
>...which looks kosher to me, and looks just like the users/groups/permissions 
>in /home/httpd/htdocs.
>If there's any other information you need to see, let me know...

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