OT: Where to buy computer parts?

Kendric Beachey ak at kc.rr.com
Sat Jun 21 13:41:38 CDT 2003

On Friday 20 June 2003 01:12 pm, Matt G wrote:
> Hey..can anyone recommend a good spot for buying computer parts in the
> Overland Park / Lenexa area?  CompUSA has pretty good prices sometimes, but
> I'm guessing there is a local shop that can do better.

Looks like I'm late to the party, but try Computer Garage in Merriam.
http://www.thecomputergarage.com/ is pretty spartan but does contain their 
address and phone number, which is all you really need.

They take stuff on consignment too, in case you're looking to get rid of 
something that's just taking up space.

Kendric Beachey
ak at kc.rr.com

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