traffic shaper

Matt G linux at
Mon Jun 16 15:11:30 CDT 2003

Does anyone know of something like this, but from a software level?
Well...maybe it's not like this at all.  Here is what I'm looking for.  I
run a small irc fserver for some friends to dl some live recordings.  My
little server runs from XChat using Obsidian Fserve perl script.  When I
used to use Mirc in windows to run this, I could set mirc to only use so
much bandwidth.  So, I gave it like 2/3 of my upload, leaving 1/3 for normal

I don't see anything like this in XChat.  Does anyone know what might do

Second, I can't find a way to watch my bandwidth in Linux.  In Windows, I
was use a  product called DUMeter...just showed ul/dl current bandwidth as
well as some daily, weekly, and monthly reports.    Anyone know a linux tool
like that?


> traffic shaping for the network.
>  At our site you'll find information about our
> turnkey, open source, LINUX based packet shaping
> product The "Arbitrator for LINUX". This product
> allows ISP's and network adminstrators to
> automatically slow down heavy users of precious
> Internet bandwidth so that all users get excellent
> response times to Internet queries.

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