
Tim Reid darkweb4 at
Wed Jun 11 11:09:57 CDT 2003

  Wow guys

  Heere I was trying to start a conversation about passcodes, and my PS
  starts one on "one"  Does this make me talented somehow? :)

  Anyway, I thought it was 4 as well, thinking that 1 was also a prime (as
  the weekend's thread has proven incorrect, IMO).  It turns out that the
  dude that asked me didn't know either :S  The #@$% mouthbreather was
  just trying to impress one of the women in the channel with his "Trivia
  'Leetness."   And I, being a more mature and wise individual look down
  upon his display of childish behavior.

  uh... anyway, thanks for all your opinions, Passwordwise or not.


  PS  I'm thinking that my login will be generated with APG, and that I
  will do something with some funky hashing with Hotbits

  for my GPG passphrase, seeing as I probably don't need to change the GPG
  passphrase unless I need to revoke the old key and republish a new one.

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