OT: password/passphrase generation

Jeremy Fowler JFowler at westrope.com
Fri Jun 6 14:56:24 CDT 2003


9 = G (g)
7 = T
5 = S 
4 = A 
3 = E 
1 = I or L

Using these combinations lets the world know you be hax0r 31337... ;-)

|-----Original Message-----
|From: Gerald Combs [mailto:gerald at ethereal.com]
|Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2003 8:37 PM
|To: Kris Bodenheimer
|Cc: Tim Reid; kclug at kclug.org
|Subject: Re: OT: password/passphrase generation
|I use "passw0rd".  Substituting zeore for the letter "o" is a 
|clever trick
|that will fool any hacker.
|On Thu, 5 Jun 2003, Kris Bodenheimer wrote:
|> I have memmory problems, so I just use my username as my 
|> passphrase/password.  Much easier to remember.
|> Tim Reid wrote:
|> > hey all,
|> > 
|> > I've been looking at some of the high-level popular 
|> > texts lately, and one of the more interesting things that 
|struck me was 
|> > the different methods of generating/choosing passcodes.  
|I've now seen 
|> > several different methods used (APG, diceware, etc.)  I 
|haven't made up 
|> > my mind as to the most secure (within reason for a common 
|user like me) 
|> > method of password generation for both login passwords and PGP/GPG 
|> > passphrases...
|> > 
|> > What does everybody use for secure/random password/passphrase 
|> > generation?  What are some of the different aspects of 
|"your" method? Do 
|> > you go for speed, maximum bits of entropy, etc.?
|> > 
|> > 
|> > --Tim
|> > 
|> > 
|> > 
|> > OT: PS:  I had someone ask me a "brainteaser" in a IRC 
|channel, and I 
|> > haven't been able to get back to them...but I think I know 
|the answer. 
|> > But I thought that I might share it with all you smart KCluggers :P
|> > 
|> > What number does not belong?  < 1 2 3 4 5 >  And why does 
|it not belong?
|> > 
|> > 
|> > 
|majordomo at kclug.org
|> > 
|majordomo at kclug.org

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