
Jonathan Hutchins hutchins at opus1.com
Fri Jul 18 08:13:25 CDT 2003

On Wednesday 16 July 2003 01:16 pm, Frank Wiles wrote:

>   Use Qpopper from Qualcom.  http://eudora.com/qpopper.  Not only does
>   it support UIDL, it's about 4500% better in every other respect.
>   Speed, security, features, etc.

I'm sure it's a very nice program.  Unfortunately, those ridiculous Mac-heads 
at Qualcomm have converted the installations to a PDF manual so you have to 
have a GUI playstation available to read it.

Don't these people understand that SERVERS are usually CONSOLE BASED, for 
security and efficiency?  They should just give up and release it as a 
Windows binary if they're going to go GUI before you even get to the install.

Besides, having used Eudora, I'm not sure I'd trust my mail to a Qualcomm 
program again.

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