
Jonathan Hutchins hutchins at
Sun Jul 13 15:54:21 CDT 2003

On Saturday 12 July 2003 11:07 am, Matt Luettgen wrote:

> I've installed qmail from source and am wanting to try other distro's,
> but I cant seem to 'make uninstall it'  its been suggested that I rm -rf
> /var/qmail and rm -rf `which sendmail` but when I asked how much pain I
> would go through to recover from it I was told it would be quite
> painful.  Any advice on this small, yet painful mistake?

Yeah.  Lovely, arrogant developers.  "Why would anybody EVERN uninsall our 
precious product?"

I've heard it suggested that you re-run the make/install and capture the 
output, then analyse it to see what it actually did to your system.  There's 
probably a way to automate this, but it would probably work best if it was 
the original make/install that was captured.

Boy, and people b17ch about RPMs...

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