DNS server setup

Matthew Freeland matthew at mfreeland.net
Mon Jul 7 16:22:13 CDT 2003

Hi all.  I think I found the issue with godaddy not letting me change my 
nameservers to ns.mfreeland.net.  I had to register the name server with them 
before I could delegate it as my primary server.  Also, I decided to use some 
free secondary dns service, which I will google for.  Included are my 
/etc/hosts file, my /etc/named.conf, and my zone files.  I am still awaiting 
propogation of my new dns changes with my registrar, so I have no idea of 
whether or not everything is working.  I would greatly appreciate if someone 
could look over the configuration and tell me if I have done it correctly.  
This is all new to me, and I'm a bit shaky.  Thanks for all the help you've 
already given me.  By the way, sorry if this post is too long.  If it is, I 
promise never to do it again.  Thanks for the help.

options {
	directory "/var/lib/named";
	listen-on-v6 { any; };
        query-source address * port 53;
        transfer-source * port 53;
        notify-source * port 53;
	notify no;
zone "." in {
	type hint;
	file "root.hint";
zone "localhost" in {
        type master;
        file "localhost.zone";
zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" in {
        type master;
        file "127.0.0.zone";
zone "mfreeland.net" in {
        type master;
        notify no;
        file "mfreeland.net.zone";
zone "192.168.1.in-addr.arpa" {
        type master;
        notify no;
        file "192.168.1.zone";

*end of named.conf (this line not in the file)

@               IN SOA          ns.mfreeland.net.   matthew.mfreeland.net. (
                                42              ; serial (d. adams)
                                2D              ; refresh
                                4H              ; retry
                                6W              ; expiry
                                1W )            ; minimum

                IN NS           ns.mfreeland.net.
1              IN PTR         localhost.

@               IN SOA  @   root (
                                42              ; serial (d. adams)
                                2D              ; refresh
                                4H              ; retry
                                6W              ; expiry
                                1W )            ; minimum

                IN NS           @
                IN A  

@       IN      SOA     ns.mfreeland.net.  matthew.mfreeland.net. (
                        42              ; serial (d. adams)
                        8H              ; refresh
                        2H              ; retry
                        4W              ; expiry
                        1D )            ; minimum
                NS      ns              ; Inet Address of name server
                MX      10 mail.mfreeland.net.  ; Primary Mail Exchanger
localhost       A
ns              A
mail            A

@       IN      SOA     ns.mfreeland.net.       matthew.mfreeland.net. (
                        48      ; Serial
                        8H      ; Refresh
                        2H      ; Retry
                        4W      ; Expire
                        1D)     ; Minimum TTL
                NS      ns.mfreeland.net.

1               PTR     ns.mfreeland.net.
2               PTR     mail.mfreeland.net.

/etc/hosts:       localhost
::1             localhost ipv6-localhost ipv6-loopback
fe00::0         ipv6-localnet
ff00::0         ipv6-mcastprefix
ff02::1         ipv6-allnodes
ff02::2         ipv6-allrouters
ff02::3         ipv6-allhosts       GeorgeVIII.mfreeland.net        GeorgeVIII

I left out root.hint, because it was just the standard file given when bind9 
was installed and simply lists the caches.

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