ILUG Field Trip

Eric R. rossiter at
Wed Jan 29 18:32:09 CST 2003

Hey LugNuts,

Woo Hooooo, good day for us!!!  I'm really excited!!! We have been 
envited by Walt Lane and the group at NetStandard to tour their 
facilities... a Linux field trip if you may.

Have you ever wondered it was like to see Linux and Open Source software 
running in a real business environment?  Well, lucky you, now is your 

We'll be able to tour the facilities, and chat with the NetStandard 
engineers about a plethora of Open Source software, such as NetSaint and 
mrtg, that they use to conduct normal, and I suppose abnormal, 
day-to-day business. :)

I've been to NetStandard, and seen the operation and the engineers that 
make it all work.  This is one Linux fieldtrip you wont want to miss!!!
Come one, come all, be you ILUG, KCLUG, BSLUG or your own LUG!!

So, with that said, please get back to me if you're interested, so that 
the necessary arrangements can be finalized, yadda, yadda.

Once again thank you for your time, and have a quality day,


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