Open source vs. Open wife

JD Runyan JRunyan.Lists at
Fri Jan 17 16:44:00 CST 2003

There is no good solution.  My wife asks, and I either don't tell her enough 
or I get too technical.  I usually just tell her about my interactions with 
other people, and leave it at that.  That is really what she is interested in 

On Friday 17 January 2003 10:37, Phoenician wrote:
>  Just out of curiosity, how many have a non-technical SO (significant
> other) who's eyes glaze over when you tell them about your day (if you work
> with PCs),
> your hobby(ies), latest gadget, or some such?  How do you handle it?
>  I only ask because my fiancé will ask me about my day, what I am tinkering
> with
> or why I am in the basement hooting and hollering like a chimp :> but when
> I tell
> her about it she starts to she starts to fidget.  Things are fine between
> the two
> us but I was curious about other peoples stories.
> -  Michienne
> ps: It's not a good idea to describe any lack of response
> as in terms of pings and packet loss hehehe

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