Telephone System

Brian Dominguez magickal at
Thu Dec 18 21:53:18 CST 2003

>----- Original Message ----- 
>Subject: Telephone System
>I need help with a telephone system. As I mentioned before (the thread on
using DirecTV for internet access in Costa Rica), >I'm in the process of
building a house that will also house my office. Along with my broadband
needs, I am also looking for the >ability to have what would amount to an
inter-office phone system. The thing I'm looking for, in Spanish, is called
"una central >telefonica." I would like have the ability, for example, to
dial 101 and get a phone one room of the house, 102 and get another, >etc.
Then "dial 9" for an outside line. I would have one incoming line, but would
like to be able get a "phone router" to split that >up for the whole house.
This would solve phone and intercom needs all in one package that I could
mount in my rack with my >hub and server equipment.   First question is
this: Can I do this with Linux? Is there a package out there that I could
install on a >headless, dedicated machine that would server as a
"telephone/call router"?   Next question is: What is this thing called, in
>English? I've been searching on eBay and there are units that seem to be
what I'm looking for that range from 10 dollars to >almost 3k.   FYI: I'm up
in Cameron, MO, right now. Flew up from Costa Rica Monday. You guys oughta
pay your stinkin >heating bill. It's downright COLD up here!   -Greg
> is your answer i believe.  PBX (Private Branch
Exchange) is the term you are looking for.  the possibilities are endless
with something like this.


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