cool linux projects

Brian Kelsay bkelsay at
Sun Aug 10 00:54:53 CDT 2003

Kris Bodenheimer wrote:

>> If you want to see whats on my tv go to
>> I use a program called Webvcr+ .  It works kind of like a Tivo.

Does this use xmltv to get the tv listings in a database for you to pick 
Looks like it does.  Answered my own question.

I've been working (more like it's on hold) on MythTV.  It uses a lot of 
the same progs in the backend, but is more feature full (maybe bloated). 
  It appears to have all the features I want though.  My concern right 
now is that the fastest PC I have (PIII-500) is supposedly the very 
absolute minimum for the project.

What kind of pc do you have running WebVCR+?

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