anyone familiar with cpanel?

Brian Kelsay bkelsay at
Sun Aug 3 18:21:56 CDT 2003

Kurt wrote:

> im running a site that has cpanel administration. i am
> trying to block anonymous ftp access. i have the boxes
> UNchecked, but yet, i still have access. deleting
> cache, and its still available. of the folders shown,
> only lib and mail have anything in them currently, and
> im totally able to download from these. ive tried to
> contact cpanel, but im awaiting my forum account to be
> activated... (rolling eyes)
> im assuming that having my bin, etc, lib, mail, and
> pub folders available for anyone, is of course bad. im
> just curious if any of you have had this problem, or
> know of a fix. thanks in advance.
> kurt


Whatever you do, don't post the domain or IP of your site until you get 
this fixed.  The last thing we need is another spam relay or trojan on 
the net.  If it were me I might disconnect or shutdown this box until 
you get it fixed.  Like when you get a virus the best first thing to do 
is to take the machine offline.

I think Bill Cavalieri (bcavalieri at uses Cpanel for his virtual 
hosts and domains he admins, if he is still doing this.  He is the only 
individual that I know that uses it.  The guys use this 
or something similar to it that they developed in-house.

You might try disabling the Cpanel and ssh into the webserver or 
straight to the command line to shut off the service.  Then edit the 
config files for Cpanel before bringing it back up.  You didn't mention 
if you have physical access to the box or what distro you run so all 
anyone can give you is very general advice.  You might also search 
google to see if someone else had this problem w/ Cpanel and how they 
solved it.  Since your forum access is not yet granted this might be 
your best bet.

Good Luck,

A Computer without Microsoft is like a chocolate cake without mustard.
-as seen on IRC

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