Kurt Kessler
kessler2k at
Mon Apr 21 04:04:07 CDT 2003
Sorry, I dont agree with that. It is breaking and
entering. Sure its neat to explore and what not, but
this is not naive exploration. this is no different
that going into someones house, or place of business
without permission. Trespassing? maybe. But I can
press charges for trespassing...
--- Jonathan Hutchins <hutchins at> wrote:
> Quoting Kurt Kessler <kessler2k at>:
> > So if i 'root' your box, as long as i dont delete
> > anything then its just trespassing?
> Exactly. Annoying as can be, but no more than
> trespass.
> > Do you leave a txt file that explains that
> intruders are not welcome?
> Surely you've seen them? Very common as Windows NT
> login notices:
> "Unauthorised access to this system is prohibited
> and will be prosecuted..." -
> this is the equivalent of a "No Trespassing" sign,
> and gives you greater
> rights to prosecute anyone who does acesss the
> system. (What, you thought
> that those silly notices actually turned away
> hardened criminals?)
> ---------------------------------------------------
> This mail sent through tarcanfel's horde/imp system
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