Hard Drive Reshuffle

Lucas Peet sirsky at lucastek.com
Fri Apr 18 08:50:47 CDT 2003

Well, as for the dd commands...yes, that would work, but you'll find
that when you write the data back to a new partition, it will also
change the partition size back to what it was originally...that's what
happened to me when I tried it.


old  hda1	700MB
new  hda1	1400MB

If you dd the old hda1 over to the new hda1, the new hda1 will no longer
show up as 1400MB, but 700MB, like the original...


Lucas Peet
sirsky at lucastek.com

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-kclug at marauder.illiana.net
[mailto:owner-kclug at marauder.illiana.net] On Behalf Of Gene Dascher
Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 9:20 AM
To: Kclug
Subject: Hard Drive Reshuffle

I am running out of space on my /usr partition and want to expand that
partition, if possible.

Here is how the drive is laid out:

hda1	700 MB	Windows 98
hda5	700 MB	Windows NT
hda6	1500 MB	/usr
hda7	100 MB	/boot
hda8	260 MB	swap
hda9	1500 MB	/
hda9	32000 MB	/data

I want to reconfigure the drive like so:

hda1	500 MB	/boot
hda5	2000 MB	/
hda6	3000 MB	/usr
hda7	500 MB	swap
hda8	30000 MB	/data

I want to back up all of the data on the existing partitions.  I was
thinking about using the following command to save the data on another

dd if=/dev/hda6 of=usr.iso

Is that a valid way to save the data on the drive?  If so, do I get that
data back onto the drive like so:

dd if=usr.iso of=/dev/hda6

Also, are there any tools (i.e. Ghost )that I can use to help make the
process easier?


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