couple of questions if I may...

Jason Clinton clintonj at
Thu Oct 31 14:23:19 CST 2002

Hash: SHA1

Eric R. wrote:
| Afternoon LugNuts,
| I hope you don't mind the questions. I like to start here, because there
| are some extremely bright folks on this list. </schmoooooze>
| Anyone know the max up and down stream MB's on a T1?

1.5 mbits/s

| Do you think putting in a RR cable pipe for a backup when the Sprint Net
| T1 goes down is a viable solution?

Very viable if 1.5 mbits is all you are backing up.

| Anyone know of a good, simple Open Source app for measuring the amount
| of traffic (like MB's?) over a T1 that will present in a clear, human
| readable form? I've played with  ethereal, tcpdump, and the like, but
| it's all Greek and I don't know how to interpret what they are showing me.

A number of KDE and Gnome pannel applets will do this as well as gtop and I
believe Hal even wrote a shell script for this.

| We're trying to figure the cable rate we would have to order to
| maintain the level of service the T1 is providing. (or come close)

Normal residential service is 3mbit down / 1 mbit up.

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