file transfers from linux to windows

Dustin Decker dustind at
Tue Oct 29 01:19:06 CST 2002

> On Mon, 28 Oct 2002, Aldis/Angie Tuck wrote:

> Greetings, Is it possible to use somthing like gftp to send a file from
> a linux box to a windows box? Do I need anything special on the windows
> box in order to send it a file using gftp?

I don't generally recommend commercial software all that much, but you 
might find SecureFX from Vandyke to be worth a trial run.

It's a gui win32 app that does file transfer over ssh.

| Dustin Decker                     |
| dustind at       *-----------------------------------------*
| | What no spouse of a writer can ever     |
| Moon-Lite Computing         | understand is that a writer is working  |
| 913.579.7117                | when he's staring out the window.       |
*-----------------------------|                                         |

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