Tape drive busy

Brad Crotchett brad at ispn.net
Mon Oct 28 10:05:20 CST 2002

Steven Elling wrote:

>Try using fuser to determine what if any processes are using the device.

>Something like the following:

>fuser -v /dev/st0

>Check out the man page on fuser for more details.

>fuser does the same thing as lsof.  fuser is also on virtually all systems
>where lsof isn't.

fuser -v /dev/st0 gave me no output, running lsof |grep /dev I saw that
there were 2 processes, one instance of mt and one instance of dump that
were both using it.  I am guessing that anacron started these to correct for
missed cron jobs.  Anyway, it seems to be freed up now.....thanks for the


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