Syslog and/or logrotate problem

Charles Steinkuehler charles at
Fri Oct 25 13:18:40 CDT 2002

> Ok, and that looks exactly like my /etc/logrotate.d/apache file.
There is
> not file in there about mail, nor is there on the server that is
> rotating the mail logs.  The mail log rotation is in
> /etc/logrotate.d/syslog, and again the setups are identical.  Here are
> samples of my config files and scripts on the failing server:


Well, I think you're close to an answer with your statements above:

- There is no mail specific logrotate entry (so presumably nothing's
re-starting your mail server)

- Mail log rotation is in /etc/logrotate.d/syslog

Syslog should be properly writing to your new maillog file, but that
will only have an affect if your mail server is actually *USING* syslog
to write it's logs.  Lots of programs don't, and (like apache) directly
write to their own log files.

At this point, you need to check your mail-server configuration.  If you
want more help, tell us what you changed from the default RedHat install
(did you switch to qmail, exim, postfix, or something?), and provide
details about your mail server setup, especially anything related to

Charles Steinkuehler
cstein at

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