X forwarding

Duane Attaway dattaway at attaway.net
Sun Oct 20 10:57:27 CDT 2002

On Sun, 20 Oct 2002, Brad Crotchett wrote:

> Ok, I guess I was overthinking the whole thing.  That works really well.
> Forwarding a desktop is not usable at all.  Even on a broadband connection
> it took several minutes to load the entire desktop.  But its nice to know it
> works and now I am clear on forwarding X clients.  Thanks for the help!

X too slow over a broadband connection?  I'd try the -C option too!

ssh -XC remotehost

Unfortunately, I don't have a remote box more than 20ms away to test this
on...  and my remote box only has twm, not something with lots of default
widgets like enlightenment. The latency is what kills the usability of a
remote X session.  But the -C (compression) option seems to help.  My test 
with 20ms (roadrunner) for the whole desktop was pretty good.

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