RH 8.0 Network not working

Jonathan Hutchins hutchins at opus1.com
Thu Oct 17 08:50:06 CDT 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Duane Attaway [mailto:dattaway at attaway.net]

> This is good.  Now all you need is to know the address for 
> the gateway.  
> The gateway address is where all your packets going out to 
> the real world 
> get funneled through:
> /sbin/route add default gw eth0
> if that is the address of your cable modem, router, or 
> whatever is the 
> gateway device to your internet.

The thing is with a post-1990 distribution, you shouldn't have to manually
add a route.  This should be done by the init scripts, pulling the info from
the DHCP server.

Johannes, have you done any configuration on the machine post-install?  Do
you remember what you picked for the network when installing?

I prefer to do all system configuration directly, using the text files that
control a standard SysV startup rather than GUI utilities, but I think in
your RH Control Panel you'll find a network configuration utility.  What you
need to do is set it to pull all of your network info from the router via

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