RH 8.0 Network not working

jo mojo johan_yo at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 16 21:22:17 CDT 2002

   chkconfig is not available on my machine. When i typed it on the Linux 
Konsole (shell), it said:
   bash:  chkconfig: command not found

Run Top and it said:
  62 processes: 61 sleeping, 1 running
  Mem: 126164K av, 122336K used, 3820K free, 0 shrd, 2960 buff
  swap: 304224K av, 22584K used,                         57460K cached

No wonder it's doggone slow. Is this typically with other Linux GUI? I'm 
using KDE right now.

btw, how do I properly stop top? Right now, I'm using ^C, and it's still 
alive when I checked using System Monitor utility (choose from Menu).
what do you guys call the menu (in window called Start Menu) ?


>From: Jonathan Hutchins <hutchins at opus1.com>
>To: 'Duane Attaway' <dattaway at attaway.net>, jo mojo <johan_yo at hotmail.com>
>CC: kclug at kclug.org
>Subject: RE: RH 8.0 Network not working
>Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 18:40:20 -0500
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Duane Attaway [mailto:dattaway at attaway.net]
> > > 2. RH 8.0 GUI seems to run quite slow. I think PII 450 w/
> > > 128 Meg of RAMshould be fast enough, right? Is there any
> > > setting I need to adjust?
> > I'd hope so.  There is another shell utility called "top"
> > that will give
> > you an idea what processes are using all the CPU and memory.
> > Redhat may
> > have a menu of things you can remove to speed things up.
>Good point: RedHat and Mandrake are getting better about this for
>"workstation" installs, but there are a bunch of servers that may be
>installed and running.  You probably don't need them yet, if you ever will.
>The chkconfig utility (chkconfig --list) will tell you about what's on and
>what's off, and provides a good way to turn stuff off without ripping it 
>by the roots.

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