Meetings' Structure was: How is ITEC going?

Duane Attaway dattaway at
Mon Oct 14 10:31:47 CDT 2002

On Mon, 14 Oct 2002, Dustin Decker wrote:

> As a suggestion, it might not be a bad idea to in a sense "fork" the 
> group a little bit.  What I mean by that is to perhaps have as I saw 

Good points.  I'd imagine if meetings were forked into two sections, the
newbies as always ask great questions and make the activities organized.  
That's something that attracts old farts like me who like to crash parties
with buying everyone beer, etc...  I've never been to a kclug meeting yet
because I work nights, but look how the lug meetings I helped with turned

Pizza and beer, but where's the linux?  From every meeting I have seen, it
all progresses towards refreshments, networking, stories, beverages, and
discussions about linux become slurred and unrecognizable advocacy...  Be
thankful your meetings haven't turned that bad yet.

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