Structuring of KCLUG [Was: Re: How is ITEC going?]

Carl Sappenfield CSAPPENFIELD at
Sat Oct 12 12:34:21 CDT 2002

I've got to disagree with you.
I would come to a lot more LUG meetings if I knew that I were to learn
something.  I'm not saying I never learn anything, but it comes at the
expense of trying to eavesdrop on, like, 6 different conversations at once.
If I were to see on the mailing list something like, someone's going to talk
about PostgreSQL and MySQL, I'ld be there every other week.
It's fine for people to socialize, but I kinda figured that's why you all
went to Denny's after the meeting.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jason Clinton" <clintonj at>
To: <JimH at>
Cc: <kclug at>
Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2002 12:08 PM
Subject: Structuring of KCLUG [Was: Re: How is ITEC going?]

> Hash: SHA1
> Jim Herrmann wrote:
> | Steve makes a good point.  Perhaps our group is growing enough that more
> | structure is warranted.  I think the "Installfest" and "Demoday"
> concepts are
> | out dated.  Linux is moving on, and so should our group.  I think having
> | someone show off some piece of software each meeting would be a great
> idea.
> | It wouldn't have to be the whole meting, just 20-30 minutes of it.  If
> | have multiple people, we have plenty of time for multiple
> presentations.  I
> | think the biggest problem we have to overcome is projection.  Does
> | have access to a portable projector for a laptop?  That would be all
> we need
> | to facitlitate demos.
> |
> It is important to remember that the instant a loosly coaleced entity
> begins to organize, it becomes less flexible. The beauty of open source
> is that it is infinetly flexible.
> What I think is a much better idea would be for individuals whom have an
> interest in a particular function that KCLUG doesn't perform now that
> could be promoted through the LUG mailing list to go ahead and persue
> that but at additional times. We could see if the library would be
> willing to give us additional time for teaching linux classes or "newbie
> nights". I don't think would should try to change what we're doing now
> because it seems to serve it's purpose rather well: connecting Linux
> I would be willing to teach some classes and I have access to LCD
> projectors.
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> iD8DBQE9qFcCsu4jBEqJRr8RAiuiAKDUYumV1u4DkDAzQ5oxCRRVqvkoAQCgxw5+
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