How is ITEC going?

Jim Herrmann JimH at
Thu Oct 10 16:26:36 CDT 2002

Show's over, dude.  9th & 10th.  Tomorrow's the 11th.

jim <jim at> wrote:

> I've suddenly been freed up for tomorrow and I can help at the booth if 
> needed.  I know manning booths at trade shows is a long, thankless task.
> Jim (Duey)
> On Thursday 10 October 2002 07:30 pm, you wrote:
> > The CDs were wiped out the first day!  We had to burn more last night.
> > Monty's cards went like hot cakes.  He had to print many more last night.
> >
> > The VP of Marketing for Red Hat, Mark DeVisser, gave us a box of 100
> > of Red Hat 8.0 to give out after his presentation.  There was a mad rush
> > the booth to get the copies.  The 100 copies were gone as fast as they
> > could be handed out.  Hal says it took 30 seconds.  :-)
> >
> > Everything is going well, there are many people stopping by who are
> > using Linux, many who thinking seriously about converting, and quite a few
> > who say they use it extensively.  I'm sure our mailing list size will
> > increase significantly, and we'll probably have more people show up at the
> > meetings. We should probably have copies of distros at the meeting to give
> > out to new people.
> >
> > I have some pictures from yesterday that I will try to get up in a photo
> > album this evening.
> >
> > HTH,
> > Jim

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