ISO problem.

Duane Attaway dattaway at
Tue Oct 8 14:20:52 CDT 2002

I burned the first cd, mounted, and tested it.  It took 9 minutes.  I have
50 of these colorful gems to burn:

mkisofs -l -J -R -sysid kclug -V kclug -volset kclug freesoft/ > n.iso
cdrecord dev=0,0,0 speed=4 -eject n.iso 

md5sum n.iso 

And the image should finish uploading on my T3 site in a few hours:

size: 236584960

md5sum: ab90e9dbb5c28ea801c9171ec53bc410

It was almost small enough to fit on the mini cds.

Compusa was having a sale on the compact colorful cdroms, so I bought
their shelf out.  Unfortunately, they only had 50 left.  :(

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