How many free windows software CD labels should I make?

Jared Smith jared at
Mon Oct 7 19:23:44 CDT 2002

Tony, Jason, and others curious:

In the past five days, we rented a new house, sold the old, 
and moved an unearthly amount of things from one house to 
another. Thus I've been working 24/7 on other projects, 
with no access to a computer, and now finally have time to 
do the research and put the CD iso together. I'll post a
link to it by Tuesday a.m. (Oct 8) or contact Jason personally.
One other person said he'd be willing to burn CDs.

I think 100 CDs will be fairly easy to distribute at the show.

Curious to see the logo. Can you make a JPG of it and mail
it to the list? I can view the Open Office doc, if not. Thanks,


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