The value of recompiling system libs for a specific cpu???

Bill Cavalieri bcavalieri at
Sun Oct 6 15:59:24 CDT 2002

I'm running Gentoo and compiled from stage1 install (complete compile).

Previously ran rh7.3, the difference is very noticable.  My applications
open faster (pee3 800), and system is more current (which can be a bad

Any rate, if you have the time, recompile your libs for your cpu.  Only
problem you may have is if everything isn't recompiled with the same
version of gcc, you will have problems with so's.

On Sun, 2002-10-06 at 15:19, Hanasaki JiJi wrote:
> Anyone have input on the value of recompiling the system libs?  The 
> kernel is already custom and built for the athlon.. what about the 
> system libs?
> Running debian woody on an Athlon 600
> -- 
> =        =
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