Free Software CD for people who currently use Win32

zscoundrel zscoundrel at
Wed Oct 2 10:02:23 CDT 2002

This wasn't a problem for me.  I see DVD as the tool the entertainment 
industry wants to use to take control of our computers away from us.  I 
refuse to have anything to do with it so I bought a CD-RW instead.

In fact, I hope that the Linux community has learned a lesson from the 
DeCSS case and stays far away from any kind of DVD interface.  If DVD 
falls on it butt because of lack of developer support, it might send a 
message to the greedy bastards in the entertainment industry that you 
can't have a successful technology niche without public support.

Jason Clinton wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Duane Attaway wrote:
> | On Tue, 1 Oct 2002, zscoundrel wrote:
> |
> |
> |>Somebody burn an extra one for me!!!  There is a lot of really cool
> |>software there!  Oh wait, these are for the 'doze32 platform.  Drat!
> |
> |
> | I have the complete works of the gentoo tree.  All the source tarballs
> | weigh in at 6.9GB.  It would be nice if I could borrow a dvd burner.  I'd
> | buy several blanks to burn and hand out.
> |
> I have a DVD burner but unfortunatly DVD burning support is rather ill
> in Linux right now until the UDF support becomes more mature. OTOH, once
> UDF writting is mature, Linux users can start using CD-RW as just
> another RW file system/block device.
> The DVD+R's are about $5 each and there are a ton of competing formats.
> The media is also very fragile and tempramental. A figerprint could ruin
> a DVD+RW. I tend to believe that the next DVD standard should
> re-implement the caddy idea.
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