/ full?

Dale dale_n_ks at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 30 06:43:43 CST 2002

What is the full DF printout?
Do you have a seperate partition for every dir?
Mine basically looks like
/dev/sda3    202226     74837    116947  40% /
/dev/sda1     23302      4892     17207  23% /boot
/dev/sdb1   8817104   1992280   6376928  24% /home
/dev/sda7   2798808     41540   2615096   2% /opt
/dev/sda5   2790864    871440   1777652  33% /usr
/dev/sda6   2790864     85372   2563720   4% /var

Course consider me different.. I bust everything down
and back it all up. that way I can restore a file
system easy if need be.
If you don't have seperate file systems for /opt you
can quickly end up with a lot of stuff in there.
Basically picks up the 3rd party installs such as
netscrap and things of that nature.
 Same with /var since you logs will eat into that if
you generate several.

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