Tux web server

Charles Steinkuehler charles at steinkuehler.net
Tue Nov 26 14:37:38 CST 2002

Jim Herrmann wrote:
> Just saw this on slashdot today.  The Boa Web Server.  Supposed to be real 
> light weight and fast.  You might check it out anyway.
> http://www.boa.org/

Thanks for the link.  I don't think boa will do what I need, since I 
need to password protect some directories, and boa has no authentication 

I'm currently looking at versions of thttpd patched to use the 
sendfile() kernel call, which seems to be the most effective way of 
piping large (10-100+ Megabyte) files to the network.

NOTE:  Tux uses the sendfile() call as well, but as far as I can tell, 
does not have any support for authentication, and can't be made to do 
authentication in user-space without modifying the kernel-level tux 
code, which I'm not anxious to do.  Also, the tux folks currently 
recommend against using tux as a stand-alone server...instead, tux runs 
as a "front-end" to something like apache, quickly serving up all the 
simple, static content, and transparently passing complex URLs to the 
apache back-end.

Charles Steinkuehler
charles at steinkuehler.net

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