OT: More bad news about Homeland Security

Jeremy Fowler jfowler at westrope.com
Thu Nov 21 16:53:38 CST 2002

> This doc does not mention that excessive lawsuits have reduced the number
> of companies producing vaccines to "2". from 21 just ~10 years ago.

Well if the companies are committing crimes or at least being professionally
negligent and putting profits in front of the health risks they SHOULD be put
out of business.

> This website has a very blatantly liberal slant to things.  It is not a
> balanced viewpoint, and before you fly off the handle please be more
> informed.

I'll fly off the handle whenever I please. It's my right, for now at least...
However, GNN is a pretty liberal website and I do say they do a fair amount of
FUD and fear mongering themselves. However, I don't rely on their point of view,
but more on the facts that are presented. Are you saying that their article was
factually incorrect?

> As far as lawsuits go, if the FDA approved the vaccines at some point, are
> they not partly responsible?  But one cannot sue the FDA, which is a very
> fickle bureaucracy and has no reasoning within sometimes.

That is exactly the reason why Libertarians want to get rid of the FDA. Quote
from www.lp.org

"Replace the FDA. The Food and Drug Administration is clearly an unnecessary
burden on the American health care system. There is no evidence that agency
offers Americans any real protection, but there is massive evidence that it is
causing great harm -- driving up health care costs and depriving millions of
Americans of the medical care they need. The agency should be abolished and
replaced with voluntary certification by a private-sector organization, similar
to the way Underwriters Laboratories certifies electrical appliances."

...and they CAN be sued!

> What do the socialized countries do?? well now that you ask, they cannot
> be sued either, but you can go in front of yet another group of people to
> get a hearing.
> The liberals are trying very hard to impose socialism on us no matter what
> it will do.

It seems to work in Canada... Not that I'm a socialist, but common. Someone has
to take control of the extortion rates people pay for health insurance, medical
visits, and pharmaceuticals. Maybe there is some kind of medium, a compromise if
you will. Commercial Socialism, hmmm...

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