OT: why I sound ultra-liberal

Marvin GodfatherofSoul Bellamy mbellamy at kc.rr.com
Tue Nov 19 17:57:19 CST 2002

Take a look at the latest CNN story on the so-called security bill that 
was just passed by the House and Senate along party lines.  A 30-odd 
page law suddenly blew up to 400+ pages as Republicans stuffed the bill 
with corporate hand-outs.  It just passed the Senate along party lines.

 |/ ____ |/ | Marvin Keith Bellamy
  @~/ Oo ~@  | AKA GodfatherofSoul
 /_( __/ )_ | website:  http://godfatherofsoul.tripod.com
    __U_/    | E-mail:   mbellamy at kc.rr.com

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