Problem faced with xterm.

Mala Prabhu mala.prabhu at
Fri Nov 15 07:11:11 CST 2002

I am facing a problem with the Xterm of my system(Windows 2000).
I start X software on my desktop, which runs the fvwm on my server, 
telnet to some Unix test machine, set  the DISPLAY to my system 
and run the following command:
xterm -fg white -bg black -fn vga -fb vga
I get the following error:
xterm :
The following charset isn't found in a list
of the base font names "vga".
xterm:  failure at creating fontset with the current locale "C". 
However, when I run this command from the console of the same Unix system, 
it goes through fine.  
The /usr/lib/X11/fonts/pcf/misc directory on the server as well as the test machine
contains the vga.pcf file.Also, without the -fn and -fb options, the xterm is displayed 
i.e. the xterm is not displayed when started remotely from some other system when
called with the -fn and -fb options being "vga".
The Window manager on the server is fvwm whereas the one on the Test machine is
mwm. Does this make a difference?
Please let me know your views on this issue.
Thanks for Reading,

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