The Federal Mafia

Marvin [GodfatherofSoul] Bellamy mbellamy at
Fri Nov 15 05:14:01 CST 2002

Pretty interesting.  Another thing that's bugged me about what our 
government has evolved into is the career politician.  I think our 
system only works when "normal" citizens are contributing to the process 
as direct participants.  This occurred to me when listening to the 
subtle ridicule Wellstone's replacement is getting in the press.  What 
makes any other person any more qualified than him?  The whole point of 
democracy is to give everyone a voice, Harvard degree or not.  Hate to 
admit it, but I think Americans have just gotten lazy about their civic 
duties and politicians are exploiting the opportunity.

Steven Elling wrote:

>With all this talk about freedom being taken away and such I though I would 
>point this out.
>Our country was founded on the basis of a government for the people, of the 
>people, by the people.  Meaning the government is subservient to us the 
>citiziens of the United States of America.  The government really started 
>to take control of our lives around World War II.
>I can't remember where exactly I read about this but here it goes.
>During World War I the government needed financial help with the war effort, 
>so they asked that citizens show their patriotism by sending money to the 
>government.  The government helped them determine how much they should send 
>by establishing a `voluntary' Federal Income Tax system.  They stated it 
>was `voluntary' because they knew they were barred from laying direct taxes 
>on citizens by the constitution.  After the war was over, citizens kept 
>showing their patriotism by sending in money and this continued through to 
>World War II.
>By the time World War II came around the government had amassed a large sum 
>of money due to citizens' patriotism and said my God look at this untapped 
>resource.  Once the government determined they had one hell of a source of 
>'income', they proceeded to make the Federal Income Tax look like a 
>required tax instead of the `voluntary' form that was established during 
>World War I.  They knew this was illegal due to the constitution and 
>decided to create the IRS Tax Code to further hide the fact and make the 
>Federal Income Tax look mandatory.
>They were successful in making the Federal Income Tax look mandatory and 
>because we all `pay' taxes now the government is able to take control of 
>our lives and have the mass military spending budgets.  Which brings me to 
>my point.
>We need to take back control of our government by saying no to the Federal 
>Income Tax.  Their have been people doing it since the `60s.
>An interesting read that everyone needs to read is 'The Federal Mafia' by 
>Irwin Schiff.  This book exposes a lot of the truths about the government 
>and their Mafia tactics.

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