Be afraid, be very afraid...

Dustin Decker dustind at
Thu Nov 14 23:05:53 CST 2002

On Thu, 14 Nov 2002, Jeremy Fowler wrote:

> Granted, I was just emphasizing the fact that the Republicans now have majority
> control in the House and Senate. However, like you said, Democrats have a vote
> too; and they aren't much better. Join the ACLU, vote Libertarian, write your
> respective congressmen and complain.

/me snickers...  I did all that - that's how the republicans got what they 

| Dustin Decker                     |
| dustind at       *-----------------------------------------*
| |"They use different words for things in  |
| Moon-Lite Computing         | America.  For instance they say evevator|
| 913.579.7117                | and we say lift.  They drapes and we say|
*-----------------------------| curtains.  They say president and we say|
                              | brain damaged git."                     |
                              |                                         |
                              |		-- Alexie Sayle                 |

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