Be afraid, be very afraid...

Marvin GodfatherofSoul Bellamy mbellamy at
Thu Nov 14 22:33:15 CST 2002

What's funny about the Patriot Act and all of these draconian laws is 
this is what our intelligence agencies wanted way before 9-11 even 
happened.  Sure, they had enough information to know the terrorist 
attacks were going to occur, but nothing like body bags and some John 
Wayne dialog to get Americans riled up enough to give up their rights.

Read the news.

Jeremy Fowler wrote:

>House votes life sentences for hackers:
>>Smith said: "Until we secure our cyberinfrastructure, a few keystrokes and an
>Internet connection is all one >needs to disable the economy and endanger lives.
>A mouse can be just as dangerous as a bullet or a bomb."
>I seriously doubt an internet connection can kill anyone... A mouse as dangerous
>as a bullet or a bomb? Please... This guy got some bad info.
>I can't stand the fact that our Republican Government is trying to strip away
>our rights one by one in the name of national security. I'm sick and tired of
>reading about stupid laws that take away our rights. DMCA, The Patriot Act,
>CSEA, Homeland Security, and on and on... I swear our Government won't be happy
>until it knows what everyone of us is doing at any given time. Do you really
>think this bill would pass before Sept. 11? Do you really think we would be back
>in Iraq if Sept. 11 never happened? Do you really think Americans would gladly
>give up these freedoms in the name of Nation Security before Sept. 11? Do you
>really think certain members of the government didn't know terrorists were going
>to hijack airplanes and crash them into buildings? Please, they have us right
>where they want us now. Fear is their weapon, fear that our lives are in danger
>by "evil doers". Take away my rights, I don't care, just do whatever you have to
>do to protect me and mine. Our country was founded by people who bravely died
>for their freedom. They would turn over in their graves if they knew we were
>gladly giving away these freedoms in our cowardice. We, as a nation, must take
>back control of our freedom and stop being afraid. Many of us may die by the
>hands of terrorists, but at least we die bravely in the name of freedom.

 |/ ____ |/ | Marvin Keith Bellamy
  @~/ Oo ~@  | AKA GodfatherofSoul
 /_( __/ )_ | website:
    __U_/    | E-mail:   mbellamy at

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