OT and probably Politically INcorrect

Brian Densmore DensmoreB at ctbsonline.com
Fri Nov 8 19:52:08 CST 2002

<takes flamebait>
So all those German citizens in the 1930's and 40's cleaned their own
house? Or were they all Muslims?
And we Americans have cracked down on Neo-nazi skinheads, the KKK, the
Michigan Militia and the Missouri militia to name just a spattering few?
</takes flamebait>

I have no problem taking out the terrorists. But let's be a little
careful how we do it, and actually use some of that gray matter we all
value so much.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: zscoundrel [mailto:zscoundrel at kc.rr.com]
> Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 1:14 PM
> To: Gerald Combs
> Cc: kclug at kclug.org
> Subject: OT and probably Politically INcorrect
> I didn't see any inaccuracies, well other than the spelling 
> problem, but 
> I think you missed the point.  Certain parts of the Muslim faith have 
> declared WAR on humanity, but we still have this "Live and let them 
> kill" mentality.  One that the PC nazi's don't seem to take as much 
> offense to.  Kinda makes you wonder who is behind the Politically 
> Correct movement, don't it.
> I hate killing to make a point, but given a choice, I would 
> much rather 
> KILL than to BE KILLED to make someone elses political 
> point!!  (Are you 
> starting to get the picture?)
> I see profiling to be an ineffective tool to use to put 
> pressure on the 
> wackos that are behind the terrorism.  Apparently, the doctrine and 
> beliefs behind the Muslim faith are flexible enough that 
> killing others 
> is pretty much acctible to most Mulsims.  (If it wasn't, why 
> don't they 
> clean their own house???)  So if the Muslims that believe killing is 
> wrong don't want to cooperate in STOPPING THE KILLING, then 
> they can be 
> inconvienced at airports and public gatherings.   (boo hoo!)
> BTW, Your examples really don't support your argument very well.
> The Unabomber and Columbine were random acts commited by unbalanced 
> wackos with a sick agenda who had more initiative than sense.
> The Oklahoma thing was terrorism, but I don't think they actually dug 
> down far enough to find out who was really behind the whole 
> thing.  It 
> could actually be a muslim group that duped some 
> para-military extremist 
> group to do the thing for money and prestige in order to harm 
> us as part 
> of their own hidden agenda, or it actually could have been a reaction 
> for the deaths of the Waco group, we will probalby never know 
> for sure.
> The whole point is, the killing has got to stop.
> What is it about the people in this country that accords more 
> rights to 
> our enemies than to the people who actually keep the country 
> running and 
> uphold it's beliefs???
> Gerald Combs wrote:
> > You left out Oklahoma City, the UNABOMber, Columbine, and 
> several other
> > acts of terror perpetrated by non-Muslims.  Of course, that 
> would that
> > have skewed your data towards some semblance of accuracy.
> > 
> > You misspelled "Korbut", BTW.
> > 
> > 
> majordomo at kclug.org

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