File Server

Seth Dimbert s.dimbert at
Fri Nov 8 17:10:04 CST 2002

I've looked at what some of you offered, but I'm still searching.

If I understand WebDAV, it's not really what I'm looking for. It seems to me
that the idea of WebDAV is to allow multiple users to share access to a
single file on a server. That's not quite what I want. What I want is the
ability to store Word Documents, Excell spreadsheets, etc on a web server so
that I can access them from more than one location. Instead of carting
floppies and CD's back and forth, I want to read from and write to a web

I looked at the HyperMart script that Jared suggested; it seems to be
exactly what I want. Except that the install/configure directions are spotty
and I'm not experienced enough in php to figure out what permissions I need
to set so that the script can write to what it needs to without opening the
server up to security holes.

Can anyone else point me at a mature solution?


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