Hardware Job

Zach Bullard Zach_Bullard at hillspet.com
Wed Nov 6 14:16:35 CST 2002

If anyone that is looking for a job with computers and is willing to
compromise and work with M$, Grafton Inc. is hiring for a position in
Topeka KS doing hardware and software support on site. This is not a
Helpdesk position. This person is effectively infrastructure/desktop
technology for a science research center on the outside of Topeka. Grafton
is a technology firm based out of KCK. www.graftoninc.com. Call there KCK
headquarters to setup a time to apply. If you speak with Janette or Jody,
tell them I sent you and I get a referral bonus. I do the same thing as
what you would be doing, only I work at the corporate HQ and this is at the
Science and Tech facility. You work alone and only report to one person.
Let me know if anyone of you decide to apply.


Zach Bullard

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