
Eric R. rossiter at
Tue Nov 5 19:32:12 CST 2002

Jonathan Hutchins wrote:

> ---- Original Message -----
> You know, I'd love to help you out, having gotten this running myself a
> couple of times, but you haven't said what platform you're running, whether
> you're installing from RPM's or compiling from original source, and you
> haven't posted anything from your error log.

Linux jupiter 2.2.16-22 #1 Tue Aug 22 16:49:06 EDT 2000 i686 unknown
Red Hat Linux release 7.0 (Guinness)
Your MySQL connection id is 3 to server version: 3.23.53a
php -v 4.0.4pl1
Server version: Apache/1.3.22 (Unix)  (Red-Hat/Linux)
PHPNuke 6.0

What error log should I be looking at??  I don't know.

I've stuck to rpm's here at work.  I've tried rpms, AND source at home, 
which leads me to believe that's why it's totally cobbled up there... 8')

> If you're on Red Hat (you did mention rpms), just install the default
> configuration, put the files in an appropriate folder, MAKE THEM EXECUTABLE,
> and you shouldn't have these problems. 

Key word in the above sentence being "shouldn't".

> I recommend up2date for installing
> stuff - handles dependencies best.

Last time I tried up2date, it upgraded my kernel and left the system in 
an unbootable state.  Now, my level of knowledge at that time left me in 
a quandry where the only viable solution was a reinstall.  Left a bad 
taste in my mouth, haven't used it since, won't even install it.

Thanks for your reply, I appreciate it,


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